
The Book

‘Mahavadhutam’ or ‘The Message of the Great Avadhutas’ is a self-writing book on twenty-one Avadhutas. Ancient Indian scriptures and sciences revere these enlightened beings with the highest regard, as an ‘Avadhuta’ is ‘one whose body blows away like dust’. Every civilization, our shared ancestry with the world  have known the Avadhutas from the beginning – only, they’re hailed by different names. Since they had no names or identities, they didn’t seem to mind.

All we can offer for the completion of this book is our lives, which we have gladly given already. We travel across our country’s contours by road, watching every dawn break and the moon rise from the windows of our car. We have by now learned that puddles and stones aren’t only present on our roads alone, they are there in every decision we take. The only thing that can stop us is death; but before every unstoppable spirit, we’ve seen it to give way.